Portulacaria Afra Medio Picta also known as Midstripe Rainbow Bush or Midstripe Elephant Food is native to Africa. A very slow growing succulent shrub with attractive bright reddish pink stems holding small 1/2 inch long ovate green leaves that have wide white stripes down their middle. Sometimes with leaves having little or no green will appear. An easily to grow succulent showy plant that works great as a bonsai plant , hanging basket or small shrub in frost free climates. Lavender pink flowers are seldom seen how ever when they do appear they make this plant even more delightful in the eyes of the beholder. The solid white leaves while attractive on the red stems are best remove to increase vigor, and the all green leaves should be similarly trimmed. Plant in full sun to light shade, irrigate sparingly Starter plant in 2.5" growers pot, similar to the second photo.
Rainbow Bush Jade Plant - Spekboom - Portulacaria mediopicta - 2.5" Pot