Peperomia Ruby Cascade: There's nothing quite like the year-round color of the trailing Peperomia Ruby Cascade. Its long cascading vines look beautiful when spilling from a shelf ledge or hanging basket. Its round semi-succulent leaves show off topsides that are deep green, while the undersides are a vibrant pink-red color. Stems are red and vine-like. In the springtime, insignificant, round pink flowers may appear. This small plant works well when planted with others, or when featured alone in a desktop garden or dish garden. Peperomia Ruby Cascade is native to tropical and subtropical regions, so it cannot survive freezing temperatures.
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Zone: 9 - 11
- Light Requirements: bright, indirect light
- Blooms: April - June
- Flower Color: Small, round, and pink
- Foliage: Round semi-succulent leaves with green tops and red bottoms
- Height: 3.00 in - 5.00 in
- Height on Delivery: 2.00 in - 4.00 in
- Spread: 6.00 in - 12.00 in
- Use: houseplants, plants
- Care: Keep this pretty plant in a warm, cozy location. Give it water when its top layers of soil dry out, and mist the air around it occasionally. Although it prefers warmth and humidity, it tends to do fine under many different indoor conditions.
- Note: Any accessories pictured are not included, for illustrative purposes only.