Primary color: blue/blue-green Secondary color: pink Bloom color: yellow Cold hardiness: zone 9b-11b(from 20F to 50F) Product format: 2'' pot Suitability: balcony, Window, Garden Propagation: leaf cutting, leaf Special characteristic: pet safe
- ※Strong roots! Diameter approx. 2inches. Ready for planting. Well rooted with soil in 2” planter pot.
- ※Real Live Potted Echeveria lala Succulent live plant. Fresh, USA-grown, and hand selected from our local greenhouse.
- ※Good for terrarium planting, wedding favor and great for living wall, dish, and garden.
- ※The season and light have a great influence on its growth and color. Please be aware of this point.
- ※We promise you healthy and fresh succulent plants. No middlemen. No pestcides.
- ※If you wanna more growing tips about it, please contact us at any time.