In May, hundreds of miniature creamy-white bells blossom amidst cocoons of lush spring-green foliage on Convallaria majalis, commonly called Lily-of-the-Valley. Often grown solely for the fragrance which is so rich it can fill an entire room with one small bouquet, these shade loving perennials are a vintage garden plant that never disappoints. Similar to Convallaria majuscula and other Convallaria majalis varieties, this deciduous plant has lily-like spear-shaped leaves (8 inches long, 3 inches wide) rising from the root. Lily-of-the-Valley will creeping slowly (with a moderate growth rate ) by rhizomes to form a thick carpet of green stems. Blooming as early as March in a mild winter and typically in May, the flowering stems have 2 leaves and a raceme of 5-15 flowers on the stem apex that resembles a pearl necklace. Lily-of-the-Valley produces a small (1/4-1/3 inch) orange-red berry containing a few large seeds that dry as translucent round beads like tiny glass pearls. Drought tolerant , this herbaceous perennial requires no care other than a light mulch to conserve moisture and will light up any densely shaded area beneath trees or along north walls where few plants thrive. All technical information aside, the beauty of Lily-of-the-Valley is its thick blades of foliage that cover deeply shaded gardens with sweet-pea green and the elegant pearls of blossoms that dangle like dripping drops of dew. Interesting Facts Lily-of-the-Valley is a woodland plant in the family Liliaceae, native throughout the cool, temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe; it has a limited native population in the Eastern United States. The flower is also known as Our Lady's Tears since, according to legend, the tears Mary shed at the cross turned to Lily-of-the-Valley. According to another legend, Lily-of-the-Valley also sprang from St. George's blood during his battle with the dragon. Things to Note If planting in zone 8 , be sure to check with your local extension to confirm hardiness in your area. It is normal for Convallaria to go dormant for the year in late summer. If you receive them with brown leaves, just cut the tops off when planting, you should not lose a single plant. Check out our White Shady Mix for a big discount on this plant! Gardener Tips It is best to plant Lily-of-the-Valley in early spring or fall as opposed to summer months. Combined with Astilbe and Bleeding Heart, you will have an absolutely breathtaking, flowering, perennial shade garden that will appear established in a relatively short amount of time. Please read about bare root plants (especially the paragraph about bare root grasses) so you know what to expect.
<ul><li>25 bare roots (plants shipped without soil or pots)</li><li>Note: we cannot ship to AK, AZ, CA, HI, NV, OR, WA or outside the United States. Free Expedited Shipping (1-3 Days) to all other states.</li><li>Cold hardiness zone: 2-7/8 (-50 degrees F)</li><li>Light: Part sun, Shade</li><li>Mature height: 6-10"</li></ul>