Carex "Everillo" will create a striking addition of vibrant color and motion to your garden as it bends and sways with the breeze. Add bold bursts of brightness to your shady areas with these lovely lanterns of light, the flowing foliage of this clump -forming grass resembles tiny fountains. "Everillo" features undulating chartreuse ornamental foliage that tapers to a bright, golden yellow. Sun exposure intensifies the breathtaking ribbons of yellow, while shade pushes the foliage toward darker chartreuse. This sedge adds a bold burst of color to containers, gardens, borders and edging , or planted in mass as a weed-supressing groundcover. Good for areas with moist soils such as low spots, around fountains, and the edges of streams and ponds. While tolerant of moist to dry conditions, they dislike being waterlogged and do best in moist, well-drained soils. Thriving best in part-shade , they do well in full shade (even where dry) and can take full sun in cooler climates. Protect from afternoon sun in hot, dry climates. If the tips of the leaves get wind-burn over the winter, they may be trimmed in the early spring. The flowers are insignificant. Things to Note In northern zones Evergold tends to languish in full shade and does best when placed out of the way of winter winds and provided with some protection such as snow or straw. Not recommended for full sun in southern zones. Gardener Tips For a low maintenance patio table centerpiece we love to select a lovely pot in a vibrant Mexico-inspired color such as cobalt and fill pots of various sizes with Everillo.
<ul><li>25 pots, each square pot is 3 1/2 inches on a side</li><li>Note: we cannot ship to AK, AZ, CA, HI, NV, OR, WA or outside the United States. Free Expedited Shipping (1-3 Days) to all other states.</li><li>Cold hardiness zone: 5-9 (-20 degrees F)</li><li>Light: Full sun, Part sun, Shade</li><li>Mature height: 10-16"</li></ul>